Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week Ten Assignment: Searching in Google Scholar

Ana Rivera
March 24, 2019
Week Ten Assignment

Searching in Google Scholar

  • What search terms or search phrases did you use to search Google Scholar?  
I used terms such as: self-serving bias and self-serving bias control
  • What limiters did you use?
Limiters used: dates from 2010-2019, include patents, include citations, and FindIt@WSU, WSU Full-text, Washington State University – ProQuest Fulltext

  • What did you find here that you have not seen in the databases?

I didn’t see many differences from the databases. However, I liked that using Google Scholar brought more articles related to my topic than the databases. 

  • How did this search process compare with the library databases you have been using? Was it easier or more difficult?

I would say it was way easier and what I really liked is that I am able to use the limiter to be able to find it through our school library. Also, I will have access to some of this articles by saving them in my Google account.
  • How might you use this tool in the future?

This tool will be very helpful and handy when needed. I will be able to make connections through whatever institution I’m in.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Week Nine Assignment

Week Nine Assignment

I. Citations:

1.     Allardt, E. 1993. “Having, Loving, Being: An Alternative to the Swedish Model of Welfare Research.” In Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen, eds., The Quality of Life, 88-94. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
o   This is an ebook
o   I looked in Search It 
o  Full text available at: Oxford University Press Ebooks (Orbis Cascade Alliance,) and through ILLiad.

2.     Beck, Ulrich. 1992. Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. Sage, London.
o   This is a print book
o   I looked in Search It
o   Availability and request options: Holland and Terrell Libraries, Tri-Cities Library. Also, available through summit libraries: Eastern Washington University, University of Washington, Portland State University, University of Puget Sound, Eastern Oregon University, Whitman College, Lewis & Clark, Willamette College.
3.     Dake, Karl. 1991. “Orienting Dispositions in the Perception of Risk: An Analysis of Contemporary World Views and Cultural Biases.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 22 (1): 60-81.
o   This is an article for the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
o   I looked in Search It. Searching by the name of journal.
o   Available through Vancouver Library, Holland and Terrell Libraries, and through summit libraries.
4.     Fischhoff, B. 1990. “Psychology and Public Policy: Tool or Toolmaker? American Psychologist 45: 647-653.
o   This is an article for the journal of American Psychologist
o   I looked in Search It. Searching by the name of the journal.
o   Available through ILLiad, through summit libraries, and through Holland and Terrell Libraries.

II.  Two different types of sources:

Article: Self-Serving Bias in Tax Perceptions: Federalism as a Source of Political Instability. Authors: Heyndels, B., & Ashworth, J. (2003
Heyndels, B., & Ashworth, J. (2003). Self-serving bias in tax perceptions: Federalism as a source of political instability. Kyklos, 56(1), 47-68. Retrieved from

           List of references:
·      Aldrich, J. H. and F. D. Nelson (1984). Linear Probability, Logit and Probit Models. Quantitative Applications in Social Sciences, 45. Beverley Hills: Sage.
o   This is a print book
o   Looked for it in Search It
o   Available by request through Holland and Terrell Libraries, Spokane Academic Library and summit libraries.
·       Ashworth, J. and B. Heyndels (2000a). Politicians’ Opinions on Tax Reform, Public Choice. 103: 117–138.
o    This is an article for the Journal Public Choice
o   Looked in Search It
o   Available through full text or print issue at JSTOR Business II Collection, Springer Link Journals, EBSCOhost Business Source Complete, OCLC FirstSearch ECO Pullman, and through ILLiad

III. Reflection:

I found this week’s assignment a little complicated, maybe because of the Spring break feeling still. Even though I was able to complete it, I am still not sure if I did it right. I quite understand what to do but I was not sure about how to search for journal’s articles. Is always good to explore so I did the best I could on these activities.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week 8 Assignment: Searching in Subject Specific Databases

Ana Rivera
Week Eight Assignment
March 02, 2019

1.  Findings

a)     Name of database and subject it covers:

·       Business Source Complete. It covers business related journals, country reports, industry reports and company profiles, such as marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics.
·       Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. It covers materials related to political science, including history and theory, comparative, international, political psychology, law, and public administration and policy.
·       Education Fulltext. It covers articles from periodicals and yearbooks on administration, teaching methods and curriculum, literacy, government funding and more.

b)    Citations:

·       Phaik Nie Chin, Kean Siang Ch’ng, & Isa, S. M. (2018). The Effect of Self-Serving Bias on Trading Decisions and its Solution Mechanisms: An Experimental Study. Global Business & Management Research, 10, 67-81. Retrieved from
·       Heyndels, B., & Ashworth, J. (2003). Self-serving bias in tax perceptions: Federalism as a source of political instability. Kyklos, 56(1), 47-68. Retrieved from 
·       Friedrich, James. (1996). On seeing oneself as less self-serving than others: the ultimate self-serving bias? Teaching of Psychology, 23, 107-109. []9
c)     Discipline or subject area relates to research topic:

·       This database relates to my research topic on how the self-serving bias individual works in the area of business and how decisions made by this individual are emphasized.
·       This database focuses information on the existence of self-serving bias effects in policies of political and federal context. 
·       This database provides information about self-serving bias is portrayed in educational settings; such as how teachers perceive this attitude in classrooms.

      2. Reflection 

      This week, thankfully to this assignment I had the opportunity to explore many other subject databases. Something that it had not crossed by my mind was considering using my research topic in different disciplines, it was an excellent way to explore new databases and view the research topic from another perspectives. Yes, of course! I was surprised by how my research topic is related and seen in a different field.