Monday, February 18, 2019

Week Six Assignment

Ana Rivera
February 17, 2019
Week Six Assignment

  1. Possible research question to explore on my topic:
  Can self-serving bias be controlled? If so, what are some techniques to control such personality          trait?

  2.  Addressing question:
a.     Main concepts:
Ø  Self-serving bias
Ø  Techniques
Ø  Personality trait

b.     Search statement:
Ø  Self-serving AND personality AND “control techniques”

c.     Academic Search Complete:
Ø  Self-serving bias AND personality AND control

d.     Database limiters:
Ø  Publication Date: from 2012 to 2018
Ø  Source Types: Academic Journals, only 5 results were founded with the limiters without limiters 7 were founded. Not a big difference and not a good number of articles it needs better search terms.

3        3. This week there was a lot to learn, one of the things that I was able to comprehend more this                week was the three types of periodicals, I really enjoyed this lesson. The lessons provided are              always helpful, although, it can be easy to forget everything what has been instructed.                          Following this searching process step by step is beneficial and a good way to avoid making                  mistakes. I am sure that throughout the rest of the course I will improve, and in future research I          will be able to apply some of all what I have explored.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week 5. Practicing with Boolean and Subject Terms

Ana Rivera
February 10, 2019
Week Five Assignment

Practicing with Boolean and Subject Terms

1. Looking up subject terms:

The two search terms I used to search in the thesaurus of Subject Term were “Self-serving bias” and I found the subject term “SELF-serving bias (Psychology)”

When clicking on the founded term:

Scope Note: Here are entered works on the attribution of positive results to one’s own abilities and negative results to external forces.
Broader Terms: ATTRIBUTION (Social Psychology), COGNITIVE bias, SELF-esteem.

2. Reflection:

· In this lesson what I found most useful was getting to know the Truncation and proximity operators. Even though I didn’t really learn them and wasn’t able to dominate them, I got to know about this searching mechanism for searching multiple terms that begin with a desired prefix. I feel like these are excellent ways to search terms in broader context.
· I intend to use these skills for future search by applying them in different ways that is they can provide me with better results and eventually saving some time finding articles. Now, I know more tool to do searching.
· As today I don’t have questions about Boolean searching or subject terms, but I do find them as a great learning tool that I didn’t know about before.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week Four Assignment: Background Searching in the Library Resources

Ana Rivera
February 3, 2019
Week Four Assignment

            1. Electronic Reference:
·       Ebrary: ProQuest Ebook Central: Self-Serving Bias.
Book: Narcissism and the Self: Dynamics of Self-Preservation in Social Interaction, Personality Structure, Subjective Experience, and Psychopathology, R. Behrendt.
·       A new idea about the topic is the individual’s need to maintain a narcissistic personality.
·       Some subtopics in the search are psychopathology, self-preservation, personality structure, subjective experience, ethics, etc.
·       Questions I came up while I was reading were: how many times have I experienced self-serving bias traits? In what situations? And I keep trying to remember of situations that probably I have perceived such traits.
·       Distinctive: dependence
Broad: psychopathology
Narrow: superego
Related: interpersonal and social dynamics
·       The article from last week (Wikipedia article) and this one is completely different thus because the electronic reference I am using this time is an eBook which is very extent on the topic I am searching. They have similarities on aspects of the topic but provides more information in an elevated context.

2. Book from Search It, the Library’s Catalog:
·       Name of the book: The Narcissistic teammate: effects of narcissistic subtypes on self-serving attributional biases. Author: Ashley Brown
·       Subject Headings: narcissism, Washington State, psychological aspects, college students, Eastern Washington University, thesis, department of Psychology.  
·       About the description: it explains what self-serving bias is and how it relates to the narcissist personality.
·       To get a copy of the book I must request the resource from another library since is not available through WSU Libraries. 

3. eBook from Search It:
·       Irrational and Overrated: Is our Unrealistic Self-Perception connected to Educational Achievements? Author: Dominik Piehlmaier 
·       Subject Headings: Self-confidence, Germany, Self-esteem in adolescence.
·       This eBook seems to be a study through a questionnaire on the relationship between education and confidence in situations of uncertainty.

4. Reflection:
                  This week assignment was a little confusing at the beginning but once reading the steps                        twice and following them paying really attention I was able to do complete it. I have to                        say that where I got more confused was on the first step and to be honest, I am not sure if                    did the right thing that is on the description thus I because I thought I was doing the                              wrong  thing but I double checked the steps and I believed I did the right thing so I                              continued. I really liked this new way to search for resources that I did not have idea that                      this was possible. Without a doubt, this is a great tool on how to look for future research,                      I find this as a easier way to find articles and different resources that help with research.