Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week Eleven Assignment

Ana Rivera
Week 11 assignment

My research question is: Can self-serving bias be controlled? What are some techniques to deal with such personality trait?
1.     Scholarly Journal Article Evaluation
·       Citation:
Friedrich, J. (1996). On Seeing Oneself as Less Self-Serving than Others: The Ultimate Self-Serving Bias? Teaching of Psychology., 23(2), 107–109.
·       Descriptive annotation:
o   The article focuses in two different experiments where participants are measured their self-serving bias in judgment is a tendency to see themselves better than others. The author’s findings were that the experiments represent only two of many replications with different variations of the procedure.
·       Evaluative annotation:
o   Currency: The article is not written with a reasonable time span for my topic. However, it does help to get the idea of how self-serving bias can be measured with different variations as the author mentions.
o   Relevance: This article addresses to my question by mentioning all the variations that self-serving bias can be measured and perceived.
o   Authority/credibility: James Friedrich is a psychology professor from the Willamette University. More information about him is not available.
o   Authority/viewpoint: The article itself seems to be credible; it provides data from the study. Friedrich has some other collaborations in more articles in the same area of study (Psychology). However, this might not be a good source to use, since I am not able to find out more about the author.
o   Accuracy: I believe that the information in the article is trustful. It gives credit to the experiment participants. Other sources and data results are provided as well.
o   Purpose: This article describes the understanding on how self-serving bias can be perceived by the own individual. The audience for this kind of article is for psychology faculty and students, persons who wish to have better understanding on specific topic.
2.     Book or eBook Evaluation
·       Citation:
Strategic Bargaining Behavior, Self-Serving Biases, and the Role of Expert Agents: An Empirical Study of Final-Offer Arbitration. (2005). Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research. URL:
·       Descriptive annotation:
o   Theme: In this book a study was conducted a study of strategic interaction between participants. The model constructs an agent that may influence outcomes independent of the facts, but the agent may also improve the outcomes of the process by moderating any self-serving biases or over-confidence that may have led to impasse in the first instance. 
o   The intended audience of this work is for economists, agents of arbitration, students and teachers in the field of finances.
·       Evaluative annotation:
o   Age- This eBook was published on March 2005. There haven’t been new editions on it.
o   Sources- References are cited, it seems that they are appropriate and authoritative.
o   Author- James Poterba is President of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is also the Mitsui Professor of Economics at M.I.T.
o   Publisher- The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conduct economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals.
o   Relevance- This eBook makes a connection with my research question thus by explaining how self-serving bias personality in distinct roles has been moderating and how they have evolved.
3.     Website Evaluation
·       Citation: 
Self-Serving Bias. (n.d.). Retrieved from
·       Descriptive annotation:
o   Theme: Ethics Unwrapped presents the latest research and top experts to emphasize the practical application of behavioral ethics. Their focus is on fields such as psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics to reveal the biases and pressures that cause people to make the ethical and unethical decisions that they do in everyday life. 
o   Audience: This educational program is used by colleges, universities, businesses and organizations as well as ethics learners. 
·       Evaluation:
o   The domain is edu, which means it is from an educational institution.
o   Currency: There is not a date last updated. However, the copyright is 2019 and the information is sufficiently current to cover my research topic.
o   Relevance: This website provides an extensive collection of information related to my research question. In the search that I’m working explains what self-serving bias is, accompanied of a video as well.
o   Authority: the page was made by The University of Texas at Austin. Authors are Cara Biasucci, she develops and produces Ethics Unwrapped for the McCombs School of Business. She is on the Governing Board of the National Ethics Project and part of the Center for Leadership and Ethics at McCombs. Minette Drumwrig, Deni Elliott, Mary C. Gentile, Lamar Pierce, and Robert Prentice are part of the team of Ethics Unwrapped, each of them is a professional in certain field of study.
o   Accuracy: the information seems to be reliable; facts are appropriated and relatable. The page has several links.
o   Purpose: this site was created with the purpose to educate and the intended audience are scholars and professors.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Week Twelve Assignment

Ana Rivera
April 7, 2019
Week Twelve Assignment

      I.         Rating documentation.

1.     F, tells about the source’s content BUT uses another meaning that the author intended.
2.     D, page number included, no use of quotations. Doesn’t separate ideas to let know the reader if they’re coming from himself or from the author.
3.     C, no complete citation for the second source used.
4.     B, no source provided, uses source’s ideas BUT doesn’t uses citation.
5.     G, argument don’t make connection to the source’s ideas.

   II.         Reflection on “self-plagiarism”

·       As you read this article, what impressions did you have of the issue?
I was shocked when I saw the bar graph. At first, I was wondering why they had those results then I realized the months that these articles were viewed and why was that. Of course, the end of the semester where students find themselves in a period of tiredness and sense of relieve just because they feel they are done with the school year.

·       What has your experience been while writing papers in college? That might include how you have "recycled" work or what you have heard from instructors on this issue.
While in college, I have learned much more than what I can say. Everybody has risks on making mistakes by accident on not knowing how to properly cite and unintentionally plagiarize, this hasn’t been my case, but I know it can happen that’s why I always seek for help when in doubt. “Recycled” work is also plagiarism, even if its from my own work but still makes it inappropriate to use one of your course’s work to use it for another one.

·      Why do you think this issue is more “muddy” and controversial than plagiarism from external sources?
It makes it more "muddy" because students do not feel as bad as stealing ideas of their own than from outside sources and not giving them 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week Ten Assignment: Searching in Google Scholar

Ana Rivera
March 24, 2019
Week Ten Assignment

Searching in Google Scholar

  • What search terms or search phrases did you use to search Google Scholar?  
I used terms such as: self-serving bias and self-serving bias control
  • What limiters did you use?
Limiters used: dates from 2010-2019, include patents, include citations, and FindIt@WSU, WSU Full-text, Washington State University – ProQuest Fulltext

  • What did you find here that you have not seen in the databases?

I didn’t see many differences from the databases. However, I liked that using Google Scholar brought more articles related to my topic than the databases. 

  • How did this search process compare with the library databases you have been using? Was it easier or more difficult?

I would say it was way easier and what I really liked is that I am able to use the limiter to be able to find it through our school library. Also, I will have access to some of this articles by saving them in my Google account.
  • How might you use this tool in the future?

This tool will be very helpful and handy when needed. I will be able to make connections through whatever institution I’m in.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Week Nine Assignment

Week Nine Assignment

I. Citations:

1.     Allardt, E. 1993. “Having, Loving, Being: An Alternative to the Swedish Model of Welfare Research.” In Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen, eds., The Quality of Life, 88-94. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
o   This is an ebook
o   I looked in Search It 
o  Full text available at: Oxford University Press Ebooks (Orbis Cascade Alliance,) and through ILLiad.

2.     Beck, Ulrich. 1992. Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. Sage, London.
o   This is a print book
o   I looked in Search It
o   Availability and request options: Holland and Terrell Libraries, Tri-Cities Library. Also, available through summit libraries: Eastern Washington University, University of Washington, Portland State University, University of Puget Sound, Eastern Oregon University, Whitman College, Lewis & Clark, Willamette College.
3.     Dake, Karl. 1991. “Orienting Dispositions in the Perception of Risk: An Analysis of Contemporary World Views and Cultural Biases.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 22 (1): 60-81.
o   This is an article for the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
o   I looked in Search It. Searching by the name of journal.
o   Available through Vancouver Library, Holland and Terrell Libraries, and through summit libraries.
4.     Fischhoff, B. 1990. “Psychology and Public Policy: Tool or Toolmaker? American Psychologist 45: 647-653.
o   This is an article for the journal of American Psychologist
o   I looked in Search It. Searching by the name of the journal.
o   Available through ILLiad, through summit libraries, and through Holland and Terrell Libraries.

II.  Two different types of sources:

Article: Self-Serving Bias in Tax Perceptions: Federalism as a Source of Political Instability. Authors: Heyndels, B., & Ashworth, J. (2003
Heyndels, B., & Ashworth, J. (2003). Self-serving bias in tax perceptions: Federalism as a source of political instability. Kyklos, 56(1), 47-68. Retrieved from

           List of references:
·      Aldrich, J. H. and F. D. Nelson (1984). Linear Probability, Logit and Probit Models. Quantitative Applications in Social Sciences, 45. Beverley Hills: Sage.
o   This is a print book
o   Looked for it in Search It
o   Available by request through Holland and Terrell Libraries, Spokane Academic Library and summit libraries.
·       Ashworth, J. and B. Heyndels (2000a). Politicians’ Opinions on Tax Reform, Public Choice. 103: 117–138.
o    This is an article for the Journal Public Choice
o   Looked in Search It
o   Available through full text or print issue at JSTOR Business II Collection, Springer Link Journals, EBSCOhost Business Source Complete, OCLC FirstSearch ECO Pullman, and through ILLiad

III. Reflection:

I found this week’s assignment a little complicated, maybe because of the Spring break feeling still. Even though I was able to complete it, I am still not sure if I did it right. I quite understand what to do but I was not sure about how to search for journal’s articles. Is always good to explore so I did the best I could on these activities.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week 8 Assignment: Searching in Subject Specific Databases

Ana Rivera
Week Eight Assignment
March 02, 2019

1.  Findings

a)     Name of database and subject it covers:

·       Business Source Complete. It covers business related journals, country reports, industry reports and company profiles, such as marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics.
·       Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. It covers materials related to political science, including history and theory, comparative, international, political psychology, law, and public administration and policy.
·       Education Fulltext. It covers articles from periodicals and yearbooks on administration, teaching methods and curriculum, literacy, government funding and more.

b)    Citations:

·       Phaik Nie Chin, Kean Siang Ch’ng, & Isa, S. M. (2018). The Effect of Self-Serving Bias on Trading Decisions and its Solution Mechanisms: An Experimental Study. Global Business & Management Research, 10, 67-81. Retrieved from
·       Heyndels, B., & Ashworth, J. (2003). Self-serving bias in tax perceptions: Federalism as a source of political instability. Kyklos, 56(1), 47-68. Retrieved from 
·       Friedrich, James. (1996). On seeing oneself as less self-serving than others: the ultimate self-serving bias? Teaching of Psychology, 23, 107-109. []9
c)     Discipline or subject area relates to research topic:

·       This database relates to my research topic on how the self-serving bias individual works in the area of business and how decisions made by this individual are emphasized.
·       This database focuses information on the existence of self-serving bias effects in policies of political and federal context. 
·       This database provides information about self-serving bias is portrayed in educational settings; such as how teachers perceive this attitude in classrooms.

      2. Reflection 

      This week, thankfully to this assignment I had the opportunity to explore many other subject databases. Something that it had not crossed by my mind was considering using my research topic in different disciplines, it was an excellent way to explore new databases and view the research topic from another perspectives. Yes, of course! I was surprised by how my research topic is related and seen in a different field.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Week Six Assignment

Ana Rivera
February 17, 2019
Week Six Assignment

  1. Possible research question to explore on my topic:
  Can self-serving bias be controlled? If so, what are some techniques to control such personality          trait?

  2.  Addressing question:
a.     Main concepts:
Ø  Self-serving bias
Ø  Techniques
Ø  Personality trait

b.     Search statement:
Ø  Self-serving AND personality AND “control techniques”

c.     Academic Search Complete:
Ø  Self-serving bias AND personality AND control

d.     Database limiters:
Ø  Publication Date: from 2012 to 2018
Ø  Source Types: Academic Journals, only 5 results were founded with the limiters without limiters 7 were founded. Not a big difference and not a good number of articles it needs better search terms.

3        3. This week there was a lot to learn, one of the things that I was able to comprehend more this                week was the three types of periodicals, I really enjoyed this lesson. The lessons provided are              always helpful, although, it can be easy to forget everything what has been instructed.                          Following this searching process step by step is beneficial and a good way to avoid making                  mistakes. I am sure that throughout the rest of the course I will improve, and in future research I          will be able to apply some of all what I have explored.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week 5. Practicing with Boolean and Subject Terms

Ana Rivera
February 10, 2019
Week Five Assignment

Practicing with Boolean and Subject Terms

1. Looking up subject terms:

The two search terms I used to search in the thesaurus of Subject Term were “Self-serving bias” and I found the subject term “SELF-serving bias (Psychology)”

When clicking on the founded term:

Scope Note: Here are entered works on the attribution of positive results to one’s own abilities and negative results to external forces.
Broader Terms: ATTRIBUTION (Social Psychology), COGNITIVE bias, SELF-esteem.

2. Reflection:

· In this lesson what I found most useful was getting to know the Truncation and proximity operators. Even though I didn’t really learn them and wasn’t able to dominate them, I got to know about this searching mechanism for searching multiple terms that begin with a desired prefix. I feel like these are excellent ways to search terms in broader context.
· I intend to use these skills for future search by applying them in different ways that is they can provide me with better results and eventually saving some time finding articles. Now, I know more tool to do searching.
· As today I don’t have questions about Boolean searching or subject terms, but I do find them as a great learning tool that I didn’t know about before.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week Four Assignment: Background Searching in the Library Resources

Ana Rivera
February 3, 2019
Week Four Assignment

            1. Electronic Reference:
·       Ebrary: ProQuest Ebook Central: Self-Serving Bias.
Book: Narcissism and the Self: Dynamics of Self-Preservation in Social Interaction, Personality Structure, Subjective Experience, and Psychopathology, R. Behrendt.
·       A new idea about the topic is the individual’s need to maintain a narcissistic personality.
·       Some subtopics in the search are psychopathology, self-preservation, personality structure, subjective experience, ethics, etc.
·       Questions I came up while I was reading were: how many times have I experienced self-serving bias traits? In what situations? And I keep trying to remember of situations that probably I have perceived such traits.
·       Distinctive: dependence
Broad: psychopathology
Narrow: superego
Related: interpersonal and social dynamics
·       The article from last week (Wikipedia article) and this one is completely different thus because the electronic reference I am using this time is an eBook which is very extent on the topic I am searching. They have similarities on aspects of the topic but provides more information in an elevated context.

2. Book from Search It, the Library’s Catalog:
·       Name of the book: The Narcissistic teammate: effects of narcissistic subtypes on self-serving attributional biases. Author: Ashley Brown
·       Subject Headings: narcissism, Washington State, psychological aspects, college students, Eastern Washington University, thesis, department of Psychology.  
·       About the description: it explains what self-serving bias is and how it relates to the narcissist personality.
·       To get a copy of the book I must request the resource from another library since is not available through WSU Libraries. 

3. eBook from Search It:
·       Irrational and Overrated: Is our Unrealistic Self-Perception connected to Educational Achievements? Author: Dominik Piehlmaier 
·       Subject Headings: Self-confidence, Germany, Self-esteem in adolescence.
·       This eBook seems to be a study through a questionnaire on the relationship between education and confidence in situations of uncertainty.

4. Reflection:
                  This week assignment was a little confusing at the beginning but once reading the steps                        twice and following them paying really attention I was able to do complete it. I have to                        say that where I got more confused was on the first step and to be honest, I am not sure if                    did the right thing that is on the description thus I because I thought I was doing the                              wrong  thing but I double checked the steps and I believed I did the right thing so I                              continued. I really liked this new way to search for resources that I did not have idea that                      this was possible. Without a doubt, this is a great tool on how to look for future research,                      I find this as a easier way to find articles and different resources that help with research.