Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week Ten Assignment: Searching in Google Scholar

Ana Rivera
March 24, 2019
Week Ten Assignment

Searching in Google Scholar

  • What search terms or search phrases did you use to search Google Scholar?  
I used terms such as: self-serving bias and self-serving bias control
  • What limiters did you use?
Limiters used: dates from 2010-2019, include patents, include citations, and FindIt@WSU, WSU Full-text, Washington State University – ProQuest Fulltext

  • What did you find here that you have not seen in the databases?

I didn’t see many differences from the databases. However, I liked that using Google Scholar brought more articles related to my topic than the databases. 

  • How did this search process compare with the library databases you have been using? Was it easier or more difficult?

I would say it was way easier and what I really liked is that I am able to use the limiter to be able to find it through our school library. Also, I will have access to some of this articles by saving them in my Google account.
  • How might you use this tool in the future?

This tool will be very helpful and handy when needed. I will be able to make connections through whatever institution I’m in.

1 comment:

  1. Good work. The Library link to FindIt @ WSU is not a "limiter". The limiters are filters, such as a date range, that limit your results by a certain criteria. Normally I wouldn't check the box to "include patents" since those results are rarely relevant to academic research unless you are interested in inventing a new product.
